Albums currently kicking your ass

Admittedly I don't listen to it as much as some of their other albums but I've still never gotten why its looked at as their red headed stepchild. The production always seems to get singled out but I really don't hear that much of a difference aside from it not being quite as fuzzy. The riffs are still unmistakably Chandler and Linderson's vocals fit just fine.
I think that after 56 spins (which this album has got from me until now), I should have a solid basis to say what I like about the album and what not. To clear up a possible misunderstanding, it's not that I don't like the fact she's using clean vocals. It's just that I don't like some of the vocal lines. On a side note: Does the beginning of "Valley of Diamonds" also remind you of Metallica's "The Call of Ktulu"?

Are you familiar with Atrox (Monika Edvardsen-era), Madder Mortem and/or Midnattsol? What do you think of them?

On topic:

I'm only familiar with the world champions. I only listen to world championship metal. If the artist is not a gold metalist, I won't give it a single spin. Anneke is the wold champion vocalist which is why I listen to her. Anything beneath her talent is beneath by taste in music.
Burkhard. Sorry if I gave you a somewhat snotty reply. I'm just set in my taste and don't want to hear anything that does't agree with my taste in metal. I've been a vocalist for a very long time and have heard everything done under the sun. Vuur is the best band out there for those who love the talented stuff as much as I do. Vuur has the perfect balance and full of energy and drive. Anneke's vocals are always a compliment as well.

The song Valley of Diamonds merely uses the same mode as Metallica's "The Call of Ktulu". There are modes, guitar modes, used for writing music which are used all the time. The song "Time" from Vuur uses the same mode as "Sad but True" but its a completely different song. What you are hearing is not Vuur copying Metallica but merely using the same modes of writing in a couple songs which all heavy bands do. There are scales and cords played that are exactly identical as scales and cords played by other metal bands. These things are inescapable.

Now I decided to just check out the band your referenced because I felt bad about how I replied in my last post to you. But after hearing it I can only be honest and say that this Monica singer is an amateur still and the three songs I heard from here were vocally repetitive. Now Anneke's style of singing is world class and she is never repetitive and always comes up with distinct melodies every song. In fact, I'll go as far as to say she is a better vocalist than Geoff Tate. Anneke is the shit, and if Vuur's next album turns out better than their first, then in the booklet of the CD it will just read:

Vocals - The Shit

...for Anneke will of had to change her name due to being such a bad ass vocalist all these years and pumping out the goods as if she just started with a fresh mind and energy.

So far me the vocalist has got to be world class or there is no liking or buying the album.
I'm only familiar with the world champions. I only listen to world championship metal. If the artist is not a gold metalist, I won't give it a single spin. Anneke is the wold champion vocalist which is why I listen to her. Anything beneath her talent is beneath by taste in music.
Since people's tastes in music are different, so are their opinions of what is great metal (or "world championship metal", as you might want to call it). I do like Anneke's vocals and I still enjoy listening to some of the stuff she did with The Gathering. And I wouldn't have attended two of Vuur's concerts, if I didn't like the music.

Burkhard. Sorry if I gave you a somewhat snotty reply. I'm just set in my taste and don't want to hear anything that does't agree with my taste in metal.
Same with me. If I don't like something, I don't force myself to listen to it. I nowadays often need less than one hand to count the new metal releases I buy each year. (It's about 10% of it what used to be in the late eighties/early nineties.)

I've been a vocalist for a very long time and have heard everything done under the sun.
Thus you are also familiar with e.g. Parissa and/or other classical Persian singers, Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, Mari Boine, Sainkho Namtchylak, Stepanida Borisova and Huun-Huur-Tu?

Vuur is the best band out there for those who love the talented stuff as much as I do.
Does that mean that anyone who doesn't think Vuur is the best band thereby proves that he/she doesn't love talented stuff (as much as you do)? There's nothing wrong with thinking that one specific band is the best, but I find it strange when people make statements which imply that anyone who doesn't agree with them has inferior taste in music. I'm not saying this was your intention, but the sentence quoted could be perceived this way.

What you are hearing is not Vuur copying Metallica but merely using the same modes of writing in a couple songs which all heavy bands do.
Possibly a misunderstanding. I didn't say Vuur were copying Metallica. It was just that a (rather short) part reminded me of a similar part in Metallica's "The Call of Ktulu". (By the way, "Valley of Diamonds" is one of my favourite songs on Vuur's debut. :) )

Now I decided to just check out the band your referenced
I actually mentioned three bands, but never mind.

because I felt bad about how I replied in my last post to you. But after hearing it I can only be honest and say that this Monica singer is an amateur still and the three songs I heard from here were vocally repetitive.
Could you tell me the titles of the three songs you listened to? I don't expect anyone to like Monika's vocals, but to describe them as repetitive would be the last thought to cross my mind. But perhaps you can point out which parts in the three songs you listened to sound repetitive to your ears.
Since people's tastes in music are different, so are their opinions of what is great metal (or "world championship metal", as you might want to call it). I do like Anneke's vocals and I still enjoy listening to some of the stuff she did with The Gathering. And I wouldn't have attended two of Vuur's concerts, if I didn't like the music.

TG is still my all time favorite band. TG25 even stealing the top #1 slot from Nightwish as being my all time favorite live album.

Same with me. If I don't like something, I don't force myself to listen to it. I nowadays often need less than one hand to count the new metal releases I buy each year. (It's about 10% of it what used to be in the late eighties/early nineties.)

I don't think I can place an accurate number of the percentage of CDs I buy each year but new metal releases for me is 1% compared to what it was back in the 90s. Back then I bought tapes and CDs all the time. But metal hasn't been producing the best bands lately and Vuur is the only new release I have bought in years.

Thus you are also familiar with e.g. Parissa and/or other classical Persian singers, Le Mystère des Voix Bulgares, Mari Boine, Sainkho Namtchylak, Stepanida Borisova and Huun-Huur-Tu?

I know plenty of European singers far better. Second to European singers would be all the great Hispanic singers. Persia just don't have the musical culture to produce top singers and musicians. For one, music, dance, and singing, along with the sale of musical instruments, is banned under the sharia. While not all Islamic countries follow the sharia as they are supposed to, they follow it well enough to keep their culture down and out, incapable with competing with Europe's vast musical culture. Even Russians agree Europe has the world's most dominant music culture and Russians are nothing but Russian pride. I've never heard anything real great coming out of the Persia. As an American, and proud to be America to boot, I acknowledge Europe as the world's capital for music.

Does that mean that anyone who doesn't think Vuur is the best band thereby proves that he/she doesn't love talented stuff (as much as you do)? There's nothing wrong with thinking that one specific band is the best, but I find it strange when people make statements which imply that anyone who doesn't agree with them has inferior taste in music. I'm not saying this was your intention, but the sentence quoted could be perceived this way.

For me is more like knowing the difference between a talented band and a mediocre band. When you have some knowledge of what goes into the talent and the writing you can better gauge music from a professional level just as they do on America's Got Talent. Its the ability to know what act separates itself from the rest of the competition.

Possibly a misunderstanding. I didn't say Vuur were copying Metallica. It was just that a (rather short) part reminded me of a similar part in Metallica's "The Call of Ktulu". (By the way, "Valley of Diamonds" is one of my favourite songs on Vuur's debut. :) )

I love the entire album and there are 5 songs that get regular play. But my two favs on that album are first, track 11: Reunite!; secondly, track 2: Time.

If there were a weakness to the album I would just point out that while the production is very good just as all modern releases seem to be these days, I think it could have been tweaked just a tid bit better.

Could you tell me the titles of the three songs you listened to? I don't expect anyone to like Monika's vocals, but to describe them as repetitive would be the last thought to cross my mind. But perhaps you can point out which parts in the three songs you listened to sound repetitive to your ears.

She didn't wear the title belt for world champion so I didn't bother remembering song titles.

Anneke's best competition has always come from singers like Tarja Turunen & Sharon den Adel who are all a very special elite group of singers in their own league. I have my reasons for believing Anneke is the best of them all. But others who read these words my get all fired up and threaten to kill me and burn my dead body if I don't agree with their pick. That is why these singers are in their own special elite group.

Now for overall best vocalist of all time in metal I chose Anneke even over the great Candlemass icon Messiah Marcolin since Anneke has sustained her vocal better than Marcolin and Geoff Tate did. But without a doubt, Messiah Marcolin is the best all time metal vocalist. You will find plenty of vocalists covering Queensryche songs but never find a band that covers Candlemass. Likewise with Anneke. You simply don't find this kind of talent in the metal world. But thanks to Anneke contribution, more people have been more inspired to learn how to sing instead of grunt or make bitch noises.

So my love has always been with the rare talent which makes metal music something worth listening to. Plus, the art of melody is also a rare gift and it cannot be learned in College. You have to possess it. So the gift combined with the talented is what makes a singer world class.
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