Albums currently kicking your ass

It seems to be a in-crowdism that Blessed are the Sick is Morbid Angel's best album. Putting Blessed over Altars of Madness for example is wildly inconsistent with common views on Morbid Angel's discog.


Not really. Blessed is quite a divisive album actually, but there are plenty of reviews on RYM and Metal-Archives where the reviewer considers it their best album. There are also a few who think it's a major step down from Altars as well.

Anyway, Blessed was my second ever death metal record. I had recently got Altars and fucking loved it and was craving more. I remember it well because I was an extremely conscious teenager, so much so that I made my mother come to the store with me, and I handed her the Blessed CD and made her go and purchase it at the cashier, while I swiftly left the shop! Sounds bonkers to me now, but back then I was extremely conscious of the fact that this was music not accepted by the mainstream and this was a CD store with a very small metal section and sold mostly pop music.

I hated it when I first heard it, I thought the production sucked - too dry and lacking in heaviness. But after a few listens it became a non-issue for me.

I've never heard any Ghost iirc, but isn't the frontman the vocalist on Repugnant's Epitome of Darkness? Which rules, btw.
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Not that I place much weight in the in/out crowd dichotomy, but the fact that Blessed are the Sick is commonly rated below both Altars of Madness and Covenant yet in here it's talked about by some as some kind of death metal pinnacle is weird enough to notice when it happens.

My favourite is their demo album so I'm representative of the most weird and niche opinion on the band so I'm not trying to call anybody out or anything.
Not that I place much weight in the in/out crowd dichotomy, but the fact that Blessed are the Sick is commonly rated below both Altars of Madness and Covenant

altars yes, covenant is p much 50/50 with blessed afaik. covenant is 1% higher on MA and 0.03 higher on RYM so there's barely anything in it

alex, slammed, omni, rake, dak, talos and sirjack put it over covenant, seems a pretty even split between in crowd and out crowd tbh. black orifice and oz put it above altars also.