Albums currently kicking your ass

you should also caption "Im decent enough to not make fun of/joke around about the Armenian genocide again BUT I WILL AGAIN IF I HAVE TO" right under that picture.

Another instance of not being able to read. I said in response to you saying I'm not decent for jokes:

"I'm decent enough to stop joking about the Armenian Genocide but I can easily go back to doing that just to solely fuck with you, you'll notice I haven't though so why don't you settle your stupid tits down and stop being a massive faggot."

Didn't say anything about "if I have to" just that I easily could to get an argument over on you (because it's an easy trigger subject) but I don't.
This album has the most devastating instrumental intro I can think of.

It's savage. I think that one might be my favourite Cardiac Arrest album these days.

Checked this out myself just last night, was pleasantly surprised by how good it was. For whatever reason I wasn't expecting much.