Albums currently kicking your ass

I think Omni and I overlap in that we're both more into trad than basically anything else but I wasn't aware that we shared that many favorites. Talos, on the other hand, I agree with so frequently that I've actually begun considering the possibility that he's a carefully crafted Omni alt designed for me to fall in love with only to discover that it was all a lie.
I think Omni and I overlap in that we're both more into trad than basically anything else but I wasn't aware that we shared that many favorites. Talos, on the other hand, I agree with so frequently that I've actually begun considering the possibility that he's a carefully crafted Omni alt designed for me to fall in love with only to discover that it was all a lie.

when the moon hits your eye,
like a big pizza pie,
that's atmora

It's still Halloween in this motherfucker.
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