Albums currently kicking your ass

Pretty sure Danzig is more of a legit Satanist than Benton. The Hoffman brothers have gone on record saying that Benton's "Satanism" was more of a front than anything.

And you don't think Danzig's is a front too? He might own a collection of books and videos which he used to say guided him somewhere, but he also lives like a pig in shit according the some of the websites a few years ago and he's a fucking mouth piece. I don't mind some of Danzig's music and I used to watch his videos where he talks about the lost books of the bible but it's hardly evidence he's more than an act as opposed to someone who is well read.
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You know, Crimsonfloyd would come in and say it's the 2 Morbid Angel albums that are not in the same league, although I am not sure on his feelings on Obituary. I know he's a big fan of Death and Deicide though and is always shitting on MA.
Crimson is confused most of the time when it comes to the death metalz. He loves early Morbid Angel, it's that he just doesn't know it yet.
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I'm probably one of the few people that doesn't believe Covenant stacks up to MA's first two albums.

It's a pretty common opinion that it doesn't. Which doesn't mean it's bad, in fact it's quite good. A few things hold Covenant back from the heights of the first two for me - it lacks consistency, half of it is really good and the rest is only decent. It featured David Vincent's weakest vocals up to that point, lacking the character he had on the first two and trying to be as brutal as he could instead. Thirdly, it's simply less ambitious than the previous two records.
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So both Glen D and Glen B are Satanists?
yeah and they plug each other with these ...
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One of the best on Covenant imo. I only started to appreciate this song after experiencing it live a few years ago. One of the rare cases a live setting actually changed my opinion on something.
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Sworn to the Black is probably my second-favorite MA song after Visions, but Covenant on the whole is incredibly inconsistent both quality-wise and stylistically. Blessed is just sleep-inducing aside from two or so good songs.