Albums currently kicking your ass

That's what I meant. Asked just because I like Tower of Spite a lot but never quite got into the others.

Me too, like Tower of Spite a lot. I think they had a really nice run. I don't know if you're just not familiar with, or didn't care for Bastards and Death Erotica, but i like those a lot too. Be hard pressed to choose a favorite. I like Life Sucks but don't think its anywhere as good as what followed. Pretty awesome band, i should listen to them more often.

EDIT: NP, for @HamburgerBoy

View attachment 17371

I've never checked out Blut Aus Nord (I don't think) but this is really good.

Solid album. They really jump aroohnd stylistically between album suites so there's a lot to potentially love. Their early albums are a little more raw, the Memoria Vetusta trio lean harder atmospheric, 777 trilogy is a much darker/dissonant/bizarre take, and the latest one Deus Salutis Meæ really doubles down on a thicker industrial/black sound. Memoria Vetusta II is probably my personal favorite.
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