Albums currently kicking your ass

I definitely prefer the last two Darkthrone albums to anything prior. Just fun, well written shit that still has integrity to it and doesn't sound like a joke. Leave no cross unturned!

When was the last time you tried Transilvanian Hunger? The production is way less abrasive and raw than A Blaze... and especially Under a Funeral Moon to me. And it’s basically just streams of melody. It’s pretty accessible honestly. Also what about tracks like En Vind Av Sorg from Panzerfaust. Production is pretty clean.
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I need to hear Arctic Thunder again. I did my usual listen to it a ton over the span of a month that I usually do with new releases but have only spun it twice or thrice since then.

This leaked already?

Can't say it's a bad album. It's very raw that's what I like about it and definitly better than what they released in the early 2000's but it's definitly not touching anything from Retribution or Ten Commandments that's for sure.


The Shreds of Sannityyy!

how much I enjoy this album haven't listened to it since ages. Future Tense is simply the best classic heavy metal song ever created such talented musicians involved here too. Dane's vocals are hypnotizing too.