Albums currently kicking your ass


Inquisition - Ominous Doctrines of the Perpetual Mystical Macrocosm

Still my favourite tied with the debut. I love "Desolate Funeral Chant". Lucifer punish your enemies oh lord of the night, destroy them all!

Agreed. Command the Dark Crown and Crepuscular Battle Hymn are amazing as well.
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Reactions: Phylactery
Going full hipster, drinking a bottle of honey/mulberry wine listening to this.

Mo'ynoq - Dreaming in a Dead Language. Really cool black metal released this year.

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Reactions: Master_Yoda77
I definitely prefer the last two Darkthrone albums to anything prior. Just fun, well written shit that still has integrity to it and doesn't sound like a joke. Leave no cross unturned!
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Reactions: Vegard Pompey
It came last overall, so it isn’t well received by the majority of this forum. Definitely one of their weakest for me along with Dark Thrones and Black Flags.