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Nothing special here, but real solid epic doom from Canada.

Inb4 Ozzman calls me faggot and makes fun of Manilla Road.
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After previously hating this and not listening to it for over a decade, I have to admit that there is a fair bit more going on than I appreciated at the time. If I discover that I now enjoy Agent Orange as well I may have to commit seppuku.

This is criminally underrated. Yeah, Death Penalty is supreme and among the best the genre has to offer, but man does this have just as many rippers.

Also, blah blah blah, doom metal sucks, I'm Fatman, etc.
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Nah. I really dig the Salem witch trial theme of the first one more. This one is more introspective and stuff, which is cool, but Death Penalty just meshes so fucking well. Both have that stupid/cheesy DIY charm that I adore as well. Have you heard Resurrected? I need to check it out even though I've heard it's not good.
I sometimes think Doom could be my favourite genre, as the stuff I love, I really fucking love. But then for every great doom album I hear, I hear a lot more that fail to move me. I don’t get it honestly. Note that I generally prefer ‘epic’ doom to the more Vitus-y strain of doom.

I’d never consider Death Penalty to be one of the best of the genre either. And it’s hardly even straight up Doom anyway.

I also don’t rave to Reverend Bizarre anywhere near as much as most doomsters either. Although I do like them.
I sometimes think Doom could be my favourite genre, as the stuff I love, I really fucking love. But then for every great doom album I hear, I hear a lot more that fail to move me. I don’t get it honestly. Note that I generally prefer ‘epic’ doom to the more Vitus-y strain of doom.

I’d never consider Death Penalty to be one of the best of the genre either. And it’s hardly even straight up Doom anyway.

I also don’t rave to Reverend Bizarre anywhere near as much as most doomsters either. Although I do like them.

Yeah well fuck you. Death Penalty is brilliant and "Into the Rectory" is a fucking masterpiece.


Probably my favorite release from 2015.
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