Most people here do not like me, yet I post my opinions anyway.
Ok, well let’s assume all of that is true.
Where is the in-crowd forum? It’s certainly not this forum.
There cannot be an in-crowd forum, in-crowds can only form within a larger crowd.
Then why do me and others deemed in-crowd still post here?
If you want to talk about people who haven’t posted in years and call them “in-crowd”, that’s fine and would make a bit more sense.
I’m just an opinionated metalhead.
What do you not understand?
Most people here do not like me, yet I post my opinions anyway.
Most people here hate themselves, so your opinions are not less valid.
You all need to practice your self-affirmations. It's okay to have gay musical taste.
Or maybe it’s just you asserting that the “in-crowd” doesn’t like the newest Kreator album. I haven’t heard it so I couldn’t comment.
It’s rather hilarious that you are making these accusations while simultaneously lapping up every deathcore/slam post like it’s always been your favorite music. Going along with the trend of the forum, eh?
Meanwhile, I’m sitting here saying that slam and especially tech-death, in the modern sense, sucks ass. Who am I going along with? The “in-crowd”?
in-crowd has always shitted on modern tech-deathMeanwhile, I’m sitting here saying that slam and especially tech-death, in the modern sense, sucks ass. Who am I going along with? The “in-crowd”?
Gay is no more a descriptor than in crowd, anyone who judges their taste on either is a gay in crowder
Loud and proud brother
Nah but for real I could care less what people listen to.
lmao slam, brutal death metal and deathcore is among the first heavy stuff I ever got into, I'm just slowly returning to my roots. But it's funny that you think slam and deathcore is the new forum trend. Your head is just gigantic for no reason isn't it? That humongous forehead contains an IOU 1 brain.
Haha well that’s news to me. And now you’re into it because it’s anti-in-crowd right?