Albums currently kicking your ass

Why on earth do I have this album rated 2.0/5 on RYM?!


I hadn't given this album a proper chance until this week. Listened to it several times and aside from a couple annoyances (skip tracks 2 and 6) this is a badass Exmortus album. The Sound of Steel is in their top 3. It's even more melodic than previous albums, instead of just showy technical passages, the melodies are often leading the ear somewhere to the next section or another key. There is the usual technical brilliance you expect from them as well. I'll be listening to it a few more times in the car to be sure.

This album is a fitting conclusion to the "trilogy" of this 3 album run with similar art/music styles. Hopefully they will try something new with the next album, but I am far from disappointed with this latest effort.

Slave to the Sword > The Sound of Steel >> Ride Forth

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Man this is fucking cool.

Zealotry - At the Nexus of All Stillborn Worlds

I very rarely like technical/progressive whatever death metal but this fucking rocks! Might have to put it on repeat.

Yeah, the title track is the best on the album. Weakest out of their first five and their last good album overall.
Big calls. Not sure if I'd go that far. I'd place Seasons over Show No Mercy at least, and I really think Divine Intervention gets as much love as it should. DI is possibly even their most "violent" album.