Albums currently kicking your ass

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did a quick search and this band hasn’t been mentioned on the board since dodens in 2008! this is pure @Slayed Necros-core, rabid riffkicking brazilian death/thrash.

Awesome album for sure. Revisited it for the first time in ages just a few days ago coincidentally, along with this:

hadez aquelarre.jpg

Hadez - Aquelarre

Peruvian maniacs doing their best Sarcofago impression, completely unhinged shit.
I had sort of written off Benediction as a mediocre to just above average band until I gave this one a chance just recently. I had owned the first two for some time. The Grand Leveller is pretty good but has some plodding blah tracks and the overall sound is kind of crappy. Transcend the Rubicon is a quantum leap forward and a great album.

Benediction - Transcend the Rubicon.jpg