Albums currently kicking your ass


This is what industrial metal is supposed to sound like. Absolutely fucking brilliant.

The vocals remind me of Mike Patton for some reason.
I haven't even heard them, I'm just tired of your genre bullshit
They sent me a friend request on myspace a while back. I declined.
Though that "YES YOU CAN" TS is pretty funny.

Sounded more like Marilyn Manson than anything else.
Highly doubt they're even industrial metal tbqh.

Listening to Opium Warlords - Live at Colonia Dignidad slut
Some sources say industrial rock and others say metal. I'll play it safe and solely call it industrial.

Does it draw influence from Throbbing Gristle? No? Then it isn't industrial related at all.
That's the most stupid fucking thing I've ever heard.

Do you think all black metal bands draw influence from Immortal?

It's a wide fucking genre, don't centre it around some overrated media whores.
Whoa, Throbbing Gristle are media whores? I'm sorry, but not really. They're THE industrial sound.

Anyway, Industrial involved into Noise and Power Electronics (well, seeing as that Industrial is Noise, it could be debated the other way around... but I think people didn't start recognizing Noise as anything more than spattered experimentation until after Industrial Records came around). During the time Industrial was being established a few bands started experimenting with taking the ideas of Industrial and applying them in small doses to more popular genres, the early stages of Post-Industrial were set by Thomas Leer and Robert Rental, early 80s SPK, and Chrome. Then Front 242 came along established EBM and shazam, Post-Industrial is official (but people were dumb and didn't know about Merzbow, Sutcliffe Jugend, Whitehouse, or Maurizio Bianchi) and thought it was Industrial, or not, I don't really know.

Anyway, shit continued like that, Skinny Puppy and Frontline Assembly's... early works verged on Industrial and something less so, and then there was some house music in America with some distorted beats, then Godflesh, Ministry, Nine Inch Nails, then Rammstein, MSI, and some other crap bands and VNV Nation, Apoptygma shitzerk, Covenant... I think that covers most of the bases. This was all being called Industrial, yet none of it really sounded remotely alike and they were clearly some form of EDM, Synthpop, or Rock/Metal. People are just stupid and called it all Industrial while completely ignoring the fact that Industrial sounded nothing like any of it and the ideals behind Industrial music would never allow it to evolve into other pre-established, popular genres. And STILL no one knows about Merzbow, Sutcliffe Jugend, Whitehouse. Well, ok, some people know Merzbow.

Do I win, yet?

EDIT: Not only was that band horrible, had nothing to do with industrial.
Oh wise elder of industrial, please show me the way!

Don't get me wrong, I like Throbbing Gristle. I just do not consider them to be the benchmark for industrial. Compare them to the industrial trends today.

I don't give a fuck if you don't like it. I posted it in this thread because it was kicking MY ass, not anybody elses.
David, Throbbing Gristle might be THE archetypal industrial sounding band, but they are certainly not the only. Also that band is likely not industrial, but David and I both have strict definitions of the term (esp. when it comes to describing metal).