Albums currently kicking your ass

I think this is happening alot in all kinds of metal genresscenes, not just the melodeath one...
Its much more annoying and irritating to hear modern metal bands trying to sound old school and fail so hard. Like Municipal Waste who thinks they are the kings of modern "old school sounding" thrash metal nowadays. I dont think there is a worse example of a shittier crossover thrash band out there.

But on topic:

Guess im one of the few that picks this one over Disarmonia Mundis "The Isolation Game", which also is one amazing album, but I dont think all the songs stands out on that album. On "Dark Matter Dimensions" all the songs are awsome sounding and every song got those magic moments. Also love that they are more progressive sounding then ever. The new vocalists are also awsome, they fits the band much better then Christian Älvestam did.

Ugh. Modern Swedish melo/melodic death is lame... Scar Symmetry are only just about on the line of decent and ok. People need to stop hyping up this band because they are not that great at all.
Ugh. Modern Swedish melo/melodic death is lame... Scar Symmetry are only just about on the line of decent and ok. People need to stop hyping up this band because they are not that great at all.

They we're hella great with Alvestam though.

What's kicking my ass is this right now
