Albums currently kicking your ass


Farsot - IIII

I think this is seriously the best black metal album of all time thus far. I can't think of another band that's successfully combined Finnish groove, Norwegian bass lines, Swedish speed, German folkiness and acoustic passages, French dissonance, and US/DSBM chord structure into an album that actually flows without sounding like riff-happy nonsense. They've dissolved so many of the can't-do's of black metal. Absolutely perfect.

I need to listen to this album more often, it fucking OWNS. Keep neglecting it, for some reason the others come to mind more quickly.
Dark Tranquillity's "We Are The Void". Sounds great once again, ofc expecting nothing less from these guys. Her Silent Language and Shadow In Our Blood really hit the spot atm.

E: Btw that Melissa cover is looks so much better than the black/red one wich i have
He's too cool and edgy of a prick to actually listen to metal.

That, or he was trying to lure an underaged black youth into his van.
Dark Tranquillity's "We Are The Void". Sounds great once again, ofc expecting nothing less from these guys. Her Silent Language and Shadow In Our Blood really hit the spot atm.

E: Btw that Melissa cover is looks so much better than the black/red one wich i have

Her Silent Language is an epic song. My new favourite dt song. Not much else on the album stands out for me though so im not even going to consider buying it until another edition comes out with a new album cover that isnt as big a fail as the current one is.
Disliking any genre as whole is bad music taste in action.

Mort, I made actual arguments as to why it's the greatest accomplishment of black metal thus far. You've made faces. I'd like to see an actual other side to this argument.
Disliking any genre as whole is bad music taste in action.

Mort, I made actual arguments as to why it's the greatest accomplishment of black metal thus far. You've made faces. I'd like to see an actual other side to this argument.

I just don't think being a jack of all trades album qualifies an album to being the best. I'd rather an album be masterful at one or two aspects than being decent at a large majority of them.

Single mindedness is something that shouldn't always be complained about and criticized.

I guess I just don't see it as being remotely up there with ABITNS, HLTO, FAFTS, UTSOTBM, etc.

Good, but not THAT good.

Btw though, that Fall of Efrafa album is fucking incredible. One of the best "neo-crust" acts around.

Anyways the album currently kicking my ass is

Xiu Xiu - Dear God, I Hate Myself

I just don't think being a jack of all trades album qualifies an album to being the best.

I think that's a great approach to early genres, but as a genre such as black metal matures, I would expect bands to integrate aspects of many of their predecessors so as to unite the genre, if you will. As much as I love Beherit, Burzum, Graveland, Darkthrone, etc., I think it's time the genre came together in a more comprehensive style, and Farsot does just that.


If you don't mind, could you break up these acronyms for me? I've probably heard the albums, just don't handle abbrevs vw
