Albums currently kicking your ass

Pop really isn't so much a music scene as it is a bunch of air heads high-fiving each other over being equally lacking in substance or depth.

So you don't know what the fuck you're talking about as far as politics AND music history goes.

Good fucking job, you're an S class retard.

Elvis Costello is pop, Frank Sinatra is pop, Nick Drake is pop, David Bowie is pop, Steely Dan is pop, etc.
I posted Oracles on np and was immediately told how much it sucked. Just saying that I was glad to see other people enjoy it as well.

Industrial Samael > Black Metal Samael
You should really just be listening to what you like and everyone else can go eat a dick if they dont.

I still like the new Scrambled Defuncts album more than FGA, but it isnt bad at all. (maybe because I like symphonic stuff in metal anyway)
We are the Void - Dark Tranquillity

I was quite surprised by this album, i wasn't expecting much. But it really delivered. DT managed to stay within their own boundaries while experimenting with new ideas. Great album!
and god forbid, you know, people post about non-metal in a non-specific "albums kicking your ass" thread

pretty sure it says "general metal discussion" when you enter this forum. I think you just want the negative attention people are eventually going to give you for it.

You should really just be listening to what you like and everyone else can go eat a dick if they dont.
I enjoy The I'm pretty sure I don't care what people on the interwebs think. Thanks for the Moral Support though:cool:

Maybe my most played metal album ever, but its still kicking me ass after all these years since I first heard it 10 fucking years ago :worship: