Albums currently kicking your ass

It's been all Moonblood for me lately,Blut Und Krieg,Dusk Woerot and all the Rehearsals.This band is fucking awesome,epic as fuck basement Bathory worship.I have no words to describe how awesome this band is,I can't afford unfortunately to buy any of their original albums so I downloaded the entire discography.I wish I did have the $ though because it'd be worth it,I guess it's fair to say that I don't think any of this stuff will see a re-release anytime soon either,which sucks a fair fucking bit.But that's also part of the appeal of a band like Moonblood,elite as fuck and proud of it.

I tend to think the best way to manifest your "eliteness" is to make music which only an elite can appreciate, not by artificially limiting how easy it is for people to get your records so they become fetish objects for obsessive weirdos with a ton of money regardless of the quality of the music. Given how popular the band are with denizens of internet forums they obviously failed at being elite by that definition though.
True but the music kicks ass!! perhaps that's why they are popular,to release music of such quality in such limited quantities,thus becoming legendary,I would just about cut off my little finger for their original discography.
^^:kickass: All their stuff was only ever commited to tape or lp and it does get a bit annoying...I mean they were greatand all but for fucks sake,not that great,I refuse to pay those $.Surely soonish they might see a reissue.
That album is epic as fuck,but scattered throughout their entire works, and frequently I might add are moments of sheer geniuous..downloading is the only option atm,unfortunately.
Warbringer and Evile are probably 2 of the worst new thrash bands around, along with Skeletonwitch.

Id rather listen to any of those compared to Municipal Waste which is the absolute worst thrash metal band of all time. Last album by Warbringer wasn't too bad at all.

Doesn`t seem like it with the shitload of fans they actually got these days.


Underrated, overseen and fucking awsome.

I love this album so much, it doesn't get enough mention alongside the later ones, classic melodic speed metal.
Mantic Ritual, Vektor, Witchhaven, Violator.. off the top of my head, are all superior thrash bands.



Really fast and melodic, I've just ordered it after hearing a few tracks online. Great shout there. :kickass: