Albums currently kicking your ass


I've been on a thrash CD buying spree lately and this piece of awesomeness just came in the post today, one of my favourite thrash records of recent times :kickass:


Warbringer are regarded highly around here. Not only because they are badbass, but they are one of the few local metal bands that actually made something out of themselves.
I've seen them live like 4 or 5 times and they've been underwhelming every time. Mantic Ritual is a far superior newer thrash band.
Vektor are pretty fucking awesome too, the only thing that hurts Black Future for me are the extremely heavy handed last two tracks...poor pacing on their part.

And yeah Black Tar Sin is a great song. They really nail everything on that one. Fast, slow, heavy...
Warbringer and Evile are probably 2 of the worst new thrash bands around, along with Skeletonwitch.

Mantic Ritual, Vektor, Witchhaven, Violator.. off the top of my head, are all superior thrash bands.

I'm not a thrash fan at all, but a friend of mine (who doesn't listen to metal, oddly) recently told me about Acrassicauda. Has anyone else heard these guys, and what's the verdict?
Warbringer and Evile are probably 2 of the worst new thrash bands around, along with Skeletonwitch.

Mantic Ritual, Vektor, Witchhaven, Violator.. off the top of my head, are all superior thrash bands.

I'll be checking those out for sure, I'm only just getting into this new thrash revival thing, was stuck on the 80s bands for a long time. I like Warbringer a lot along with Evile who get extra points for representing the UK. :)
Wow, people know about Vektor outside Phoenix? I didn't know they were that widely known yet. I see a couple of those dudes walking around ASU campus from time to time. They're not bad I guess, but I don't really get into this whole thrash revival thing.

Saw them live opening up for Firewind and DT in '08 at the Clubhouse.
I thought I'd hate it but I'm actually really digging the self titled Animals As Leaders album, I listened to it maybe 5 times while studying for my bio midterm.