Albums currently kicking your ass

god dammit, I fucking need this, badly!
I think that is probably a candidate for the most overrated album on UM. None of the songs go anywhere, because there's no logic behind the transitions from one riff to the next, and the various parts could almost appear in any random order without the songs' impact changing in the least. Compositionally that album is just like Drudkh, a band which has always suffered from the problem of music that treads water instead of taking you from one place to another.

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but yours is just crazy.
You may not personally like the album but to say it doesnt go anywhere and just treads water is simply not true.
^^ Strangely enough i've never even heard Mastodon before.
This is kicking my ass atm,although I have the green cover version.Very awesome and underrated album and band.

Long Voyage Back-Long Voyage II

If you were going to, I have a hard time imagining you'd like their newer stuff... you dont seem like the type, so I'd recommend trying Remission. If that's no good, you probably wont like them.