Albums currently kicking your ass


The best.

Besides Mythical and Magical.

*edit speaking Mythical and Magical

Bought this a couple weeks ago at fye... forgot I even had it. Sounds pretty good.

Also, Bal-Sagoth is pretty tolerable... not something I want to listen to on a regular basis though. I really need to pick up Starfire Burning Upon the Ice-Veiled Throne of Ultima Thule.
Besides Mythical and Magical.

*edit speaking Mythical and Magical

No. Whenever I listen to non-Volume 1 Pagan Altar I get the "why am I listening to this when I can listen to Volume 1" feeling. Don't get me wrong, both The Lords of Hypocrisy and Mythical and Magical are awesome, but Volume 1 is simply the best doom metal album ever.
Bolt Thrower's entire discography, especially Those Once Loyal. How the hell did I go so long without listening to them? Better late than never!
No. Whenever I listen to non-Volume 1 Pagan Altar I get the "why am I listening to this when I can listen to Volume 1" feeling. Don't get me wrong, both The Lords of Hypocrisy and Mythical and Magical are awesome, but Volume 1 is simply the best doom metal album ever.

I just love the Jethro Tull folky sounding stuff mixed with the Argus(The Wishbone Ash album) like leads along with Pagan Altar's style creates a feeling I just can't seem to explain. And although I can easily recognize to influences it's just something completely different, like it's never been done before. While I do enjoy the moody dark atmosphere Volume 1 has, I prefer the folkish scenery Mythical and Magical creates in my head.
Total Soul Rape is underrated compared to Crafts later releases. Really good stuff.

And Arcana rules too, epic soundscapes always works for me. :p
And Arcana rules too, epic soundscapes always works for me. :p

I take Arcana over Summoning any day. One of the few darkwave-ish bands I can get into.

Weird thing about those soundscapes by the way. If you've mostly been playing 'easy listening', like I have been doing for the last couple of weeks, your brain tends to need calibration before you can deal with lengthy ambience like that of Arcana again. I put on that album today and couldn't get in the mood at all, so I went out for a 15 minute walk and just stared into the air, and then when I came back everything just flowed again like it used to.

Even better than Graves of the Archangels, in my humble opinion. A bit more consistent and a little more doomy than the full-length, which I love. Nothing tops Teeth Into Red though. The intro on "Auguring an Eternal War" is just beyond awesome.