Albums currently kicking your ass


Even better than Graves of the Archangels, in my humble opinion. A bit more consistent and a little more doomy than the full-length, which I love. Nothing tops Teeth Into Red though. The intro on "Auguring an Eternal War" is just beyond awesome.

I have a tendency to feel the same, but Graves of the Archangels is incredible. I shit bricks when they played Lucid Curse at MDF this year.
Boris - Pink reminds me why I love it every 3-4 months. The last six tracks just build on each other so well, and by the time Just Abandoned My-Self hits, it's just amazing.

Nokturnal Mortum - The Voice of Steel crossed my mind tonight, and holy shit, that is still an outstanding album that I haven't lost a bit of enthusiasm for since its release.
Morbid Angel-Covenant, this one is proving hard to get sick of after listening to it so much.

This album is the shit. If mid 90s Blind Guardian played death metal, this is how it would sound.

I always thought of it as more of a if Martin Walkyier ate the mushrooms on Dreamweaver's cover and listened to a healthy mix of Trouble and 80's Pestilence. Either way, it's definitely one of my favorites.