Albums currently kicking your ass


The new Fleshgod Apocalypse is a pile of utter poop. What's wrong with u guise ?

Is that one of your favorites from them? My mom has a few Funkadelic/Parliament albums but I never really started putting them on myself until recently, and I feel that I need more.

Anything before 1975-ish is good, the stuff after is less rock influenced and more traditional funk.

Their best albums are Funkadelic, Free Your Mind...And Your Ass Will Follow, Maggot Brain, and Standing On The Verge Of Getting It On. I listen to Maggot Brain the most so I guess I'd say its the best.
Thanks. Maggot Brain and America Eats Its Young are the only pre-1975 ones I have. I'll probably get Free Your Mind... and Standing... next.


Song-wise there's nothing special about this album, but the Grimmett's vocals and the slick production are glorious.
The Smiths - The Smiths
The Smiths - Meat Is Murder
Master's Hammer - Ritual
Bathory - The Return......
Accursed - Meditations Among the Tombs
Trom - Evil
(dark occult-ish metal mixed with deathrock! :cool:)