Albums currently kicking your ass

Avichi - The Devil's Fractal


Listened to this a few times before posting it here, but it's definitely worth it. Great Profound Lore release, the album is a grower. It's also challenging. One of the best 2011 BM albums so far imo.

Those into BM should give it a try.

Gah, I wish this was on Vinyl.
So I've just recently got into Pagan Altar. I've heard Volume 1 and Mythical And Magical so far. I've got to say M&M is better but that might just be because its more initially accessible. Nevertheless, while listening to Volume 1, I enjoyed it but it didn't really stand out too much. But while listening to M&M, pretty much every song gave me that "holy shit, this is awesome" feeling.

That being said, the main riff of "Pagan Altar" (the song) has been stuck in my head all day.

I just love how mythical and magical it is, plus the Tull influence is much stronger, guess they listened to a lot of Tull in the late 70s.

Everything the band has done is incredible.
Ive heard this band mentioned so often but only just checked them out. I like what im hearing. Does anyone know where i can buy their albums or are they pretty scarce?

^ Shadow Kingdom currently has all 3 of their albums for $15 a piece. I also checked Amazon, but surprisingly the cheapest they had them on there was for $29.99 each. If you do some hunting you might be able to find them for cheaper than $15 though.