Albums currently kicking your ass

We can dislike things you love, and that honestly doesn't make us faggots or posers.

inb4 faggot because i've never actually heard the album in question, this just irritates me.


If you haven't heard it, why are you saying this? He's right, if PTK doesn't absolutely rape your anus, you're not listening right or at all.

If you haven't heard it, why are you saying this? He's right, if PTK doesn't absolutely rape your anus, you're not listening right or at all.

It's not ABOUT the album. It's more about him always fellating whatever band he's into at the moment and it gets on my nerves. He's always calling people faggots and shit for not liking whatever band/album he posted, which is kinda retarded.
It's not ABOUT the album. It's more about him always fellating whatever band he's into at the moment and it gets on my nerves. He's always calling people faggots and shit for not liking whatever band/album he posted, which is kinda retarded.

I hardly call people faggots. I didn't even say it in my post.

Besides, Pleasure to Kill is pretty much a must have, in the lines of Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, etc.
I hardly call people faggots. I didn't even say it in my post.

Besides, Pleasure to Kill is pretty much a must have, in the lines of Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, etc.

Yeah, any kind of thrash fan must own Pleasure to Kill. Actually, I'm pretty sure that's own of the Ten Commandments.


Cannot fucking wait for the new album.
Well im going to call you out on it next time ML so... I'm watching you

(no homo)

and consuming impulse is probably my favorite early DM album, tbh.
these days i've been listening a lot stuf like Negura Bunget,om blew me away, what a killer cd, great music, black/post metal/prog metal, Drudkh, awesome band, Caina - Temporary Antennae, Empyrium - Wintersunet, what a music, they are hell of band, i can't stop listening to this cd, drives me insane.Haggard - eppur Si muove,
Checked the tracks on their myspace. They are listed as prog/death, not really hearing much death though.

The album I posted, was there Prog/Death days, they only have 3 albums,

1st was prog/Death
2nd and 3rd, was pretty much Progressive Power.

It's good stuff though.

But check out the 1st album "Crossing The Rubicon" pure awesomeness
I'm so glad that Enslaved progressed like they have. They're one of those bands i always point to when i want to show how intelligent metal really can be when some ignorant person claims how stupid he thinks metal is.