Albums currently kicking your ass

Deathwish - Demon Preacher

Really solid album!

Went to the basement and whiped some dust off this awome album i had totally forgot i owned. One of my favourite live albums.
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Holy shit, those album covers are fucking amazing...

Yeah I rather like the Dagoba cover, but I could do without the gigantic font plastering the name on the art, that just gets annoying to me. To me, the fail with the Cryptopsy art is the hideous "banner" with the album title on it. Also the awkward positioning of the person is weird to me, but it's alright anyway. Lame album though. Dagoba's worth a look.
The Angelic Process. This is some of the most amazing music I've ever heard. Many thank yous to Omni for the rec.


It sucks that they have only gotten really noticed the past year or two, or so it seems anyway. :<

The Angelic Process, Spite Extreme Wing and Martyrdod are the three bands I pimp out all the time.