Albums currently kicking your ass


I've said it probably a million times before but that ND album is fucking awesome. Even if you're against the lyrical content in some way give it a try, the music alone is enough to make it worth checking out. The day I bought it I literally didn't listen to anything else for about two days straight. The songs are fast, aggressive, chaotic, catchy, and have a lot of variation to them so it's not like you're hearing the same track 15 times in a row.
Im pretty sure politics are far more personal and important in life than listening "uber-violent satanic music", so offcourse it would rub some people the wrong way.

And I can understand that, but I think it's more that it's politics you disagree with than that it's politics at all, which is fine. But at the same time, when an album is good enough, just groove with it and let that other shit slide. I do it with a few of the white supremacist bands, and even some Christian groups when I'm in the mood for it.


The Konsortium - s/t
I actually own a couple of their albums, its just that im saying i dont like politics mixing with my metal, as i find it to touch much more personal subjects than say religion and such, and you're right, when its politics i disagree with, i try not listening to it at all.

But like you mentioned, when its a good album, i usually let it slide. At the same time i was never really a fan of ND to begin with, that's why i've been a little hesitant on Utilitarian.
Ahhhh. Well if you're not big on ND I can't imagine Utilitarian will sway you. It's pretty much what they do. I'll say the intro track is really rad.