Albums currently kicking your ass

A Megadeth best-of could probably beat any other band's for me, and they are probably a top 10 band for me at best. Their best material is incredible, but even the first two have some blatant weak spots. Whether the obviously-filler covers or good-but-clearly-less-involved material like Devil's Island or Rattlehead, none of their albums are really all that consistent. Well, aside from Youthanasia which is monotonous as fuck.


(Not exactly kicking my ass either, but it's good and I'm already here...)
Killing Is My Business... and So Far... are fine in the filler department. I love both albums to death. It really took me a while to appreciate Peace Sells, though. It does have its definite stand-outs, but half the album seems pretty bland to me. Just nonsensical jamming. I do fully enjoy it, though. Rust In Peace has its numbers, too, but IMO it's not as good as their previous albums. To me, the songs "Poison Was The Cure" and "Lucretia" are completely forgettable and "Five Magics" has its moments. The rest of the album is actually less serious than the previous ones and is just fun, light-hearted jamming. Those two albums, unlike the others ones, took me many listens to get into them. Good stuff, though, yea :saint: ?

Hold on, how in the world does RiP sound "less serious" lyrically than KIMB? That just isn't true.

KIMB is their only album which wasnt all that serious lyrically, but is still great none the less. The energy on that album is just unmatched.

RiP is not only the crowning gem of one of the greatest metal bands of all time, it's one of the few albums that i can truly say is perfect from beginning to end.

edit : Peace Sells is the only album from their first four that i can say has anything remotely close to being considered filler.
I dont consider cover's to be filler tracks, if that were the case than These Boots is far worse than Anarchy in the UK, which is actually a pretty good cover.

Dawn Patrol is basically a bad ass 2 minute bassline interlude (and a very fitting one at that) before they hit you with Polaris, so i dont know how it can be considered a filler song, when its not even an actuall song at that.

Mechanix ... filler? Nah, not even close bro.
Hold on, how in the world does RiP sound "less serious" lyrically than KIMB? That just isn't true.

Hold on there, Bane of Night. I was describing the music itself. RIP is stuffed with many more whimsical melodies and leads rather than the brash riffs of KIMB's straight-up thrash. The lyrics, obviously, are more serious.

Dawn Patrol, Anarchy in the UK, and Mechanix, broski.

Those are all good, brosef. I found "Dawn Patrol" really funky and a cool little intermission before the closing number; shame it's so short. The "Anarchy" cover is a fun romp which I greatly prefer over the sloppy original. "The Mechanix" is a fun song, too, and a fine example of classic thrash. Not bad songs, but not to taken seriously, either.

Who gives a shit, pointing out typos and grammatical errors on a message board is as fucking lame as it can get, especially when you can clearly understand what that person is trying to get across. Faggots like you guys make me sick.

Dude, settle the fuck down. Also, learn how to not use apostrophes. :err: