Albums currently kicking your ass

(Anathema - Weather Systems)

Its not sticking.

I initially felt the same way, but after a few more spins, it sticks. Definitely not their best and not as good as their previous, WHBWH, but its still a good album in my opinion.

Shut It Down is a beast of an album. Call them whatever you want, metalcore, deathcore, or hardcore, Animosity put out some good shit during their run. Also keep in mind that most of the members were 16-17 years old when this album was recorded. Fuck.


Great album. I saw them live right after they released this and for barely having hair on their balls at the time, they threw it down.

Was going to play Pentacle -ancient death EP, but the mp3s are fucked up. FUCK

I've never listened to an EP as many times as I have this one.
I'm beyond ready for them to release a full length.
I see. Even three inches is an exaggeration. That is quite sad.

Trolling 3 Inches of Blood??
Nothing better to do?

Well, do as you like. Just know that your intelligence (or rather, lack thereof) is made clear with each asinine remark.
I mean, there are bands that are much more fun to troll. Atreyu and Megadeth for example.

Running Wild here is a hard rockin/heavy metal band and I have to say this album is fun. I see there's already a pretty harsh review of this on m-a, but I didnt really expect anything but what it is. It's upbeat, it's kinda goofy... and I like it.

Branded and Exiled and Under Jolly Roger are my favorite Running Wild albums and I'm not saying this touches them, but it might be better than everything since The Rivalry (maybe excluding The Brotherhood)

Also, not that it has to do with anything but the way it's packaged is damn cool. In a slipcase is a jet black jewel case with the art and tracklisting printed on the jewel case itself in silver.

Running Wild fucking rule:kickass:
3 inches of cock and swashbuckle are fucking pathetic,not metal at all.