Albums currently kicking your ass

These arrived today. Been kicking my ass since.


God damn that's an awesome cover. It better be fucking black metal with epic folk driven melodies but no fucking flutes. If not I'm going to be pissed because that cover epitomizes the sound.

The cover picture has also been used on Carpathian Forest - Through Chasm, Caves and Titan Woods. You can decide which one of these releases fits you better so you're not pissed about it :p


What the FUCK is Cascadian black metal?

Found this on the internets

Cascadian Black Metal is a label given to an emerging style of USBM, usually played by bands from or around the Cascade Mountains. The most famous example of this style is Wolves In The Throne Room, although many other bands have emerged since then. The music tends to have an eco-centric message and focuses on atmosphere and ambiance, in addition to many blast-beat sections and tremelo picking, much like most of black metal. Also included as an appendix are bands that embody a similar musical spirit but are not geographically from the Cascadian region.
Vulcano's Bloody Vengeance is definitely kicking my ass at the moment, but I'm not sure if it's in a good way!
Only time will tell, in the meantime, I'll just keep twitching my eyes :err:

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Great album. Not the original cover though. I hate reissues, but what version is that ?.