Albums currently kicking your ass

Right now, my ass is being thoroughly kicked by:

1) Sepultura - Beneath the Remains

2) Darkthrone - PlagueWielder

3) Tombs - Path of Totality

4) Om - Conference of the Birds

5) Carnivore - Retaliation

6) D.R.I. - Crossover

7) Possessed - Seven Churches

8) Misfits - Earth A.D.

9) King Diamond - Them

10) Black Sabbath - Sabbath Bloody Sabbath

Oh fuck yes. I cant understand why I put off buying this for years.
How about you learn how to fuck off?

You have some maturing to do, seriously. You don't just snap like a retard because somebody advised you that you were improperly using punctuation. Instead of losing your shit, learn from it and don't make yourself look like an idiot like you've been doing since your post was innocently corrected. Since you didn't take that advice, you might as well take this one.

This has been Friendly Advice from Dodens Grav, sponsored in part by The Heretic's Torch™ and Wal Mart™.
Which part of grow up don't you understand? If you are older than 13, then there is no excuse for your sad fucking tantrum. You thought you were saving face by acting all internet tough after being corrected, but you keep making yourself look more and more foolish. Might as well stop now instead of continually making it worse.
No need for a volunteer conflict resolution counselor here, guy. I just advised our friend here about how he could have better handled himself. Making it worse by thinking you can play referee isn't necessary.
Why are you always fucking overreacting and making shit out to be bigger than it is with your nonsense?

Snapping? tantrum? tough guy act? LMAO! what the fuck are you talking about? Do my posts intimidate or threaten you? Have you been mishanled as a child? Because your about as sensitive as a fucking broad.

.... so now if you would please proceed to fuck off.
No need for a volunteer conflict resolution counselor here, guy. I just advised our friend here about how he could have better handled himself. Making it worse by thinking you can play referee isn't necessary.

I was just advising you that you could handle this better. :)
Why are you always fucking overreacting and making shit out to be bigger than it is with your nonsense?

Snapping? tantrum? tough guy act? LMAO! what the fuck are you talking about? Do my posts intimidate or threaten you? Have you been mishanled as a child? Because your about as sensitive as a fucking broad.

.... so now if you would please proceed to fuck off.

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Why are you always fucking overreacting and making shit out to be bigger than it is with your nonsense?

Snapping? tantrum? tough guy act? LMAO! what the fuck are you talking about? Do my posts intimidate or threaten you? Have you been mishanled as a child? Because your about as sensitive as a fucking broad.

.... so now if you would please proceed to fuck off.

Yeah, remember that you said this in the future.