Albums currently kicking your ass

On topic: Windir's first demo (Sogneriket). Can't believe I never paid enough attention to this... it's mesmerizing.

This is their video from 1986. "Throwback thrash"? :lol:

That's like calling Bathory throwback black metal.

EDIT: Oh god HamburgerBoy is too retarded.

tbh I did think that they started around the early 90's, but that doesn't really matter. From their newest album, at least, they play a very dated and derivative type of thrash that no one would care about if they were some modern black/thrash band with 'Bestial' in their name somewhere. I should have better qualified that statement considering their large discography, most of which I haven't heard, but yeah. 2000's Destruction would work just as well. I see no reason to shit on Warbringer for being uninteresting when the classics are just as throwback-y.
Wasn't Warbringer known for never listening to many of thrash greats? They suck man, listen to the classics instead of that trash.
^ Honestly who cares what they actually listen to. I'm not huge on them, but I can see where they get their fanbase from...nothing wrong with their music.

tbh I did think that they started around the early 90's, but that doesn't really matter. From their newest album, at least, they play a very dated and derivative type of thrash that no one would care about if they were some modern black/thrash band with 'Bestial' in their name somewhere. I should have better qualified that statement considering their large discography, most of which I haven't heard, but yeah. 2000's Destruction would work just as well. I see no reason to shit on Warbringer for being uninteresting when the classics are just as throwback-y.
Sabbat are fucking awesome. They never were ones to progress much, but they play their own style and they play it well. I have yet to hear something bad from them. (Aside from crappy live demos)
Basically, you more or less know what you're gonna get when you buy a Sabbat album, for better or worse. But I get your point. (Just saying, I love Sabbat. :devil:)
Wasn't Warbringer known for never listening to many of thrash greats? They suck man, listen to the classics instead of that trash.

Disagrees entirely.
I hate Megadeth, but i love thrash.
Many people are like me. That's like saying because I don't like M'deth, I can't like Kreator or Sodom or 'Thrax! Sheeeyot!
Wasn't Warbringer known for never listening to many of thrash greats?

Actually, John Kevill has mentioned more that once that he's a huge fan of Sepultura, Kreator, Morbid Saint etc.

In the booklet for War Without End, it has a list of bands they were inlfuenced by, and the list includes Sodom, Slayer, Megadeth, Artillery, Vio-Lence, Demolition Hammer and Toxik.

so yea, them not listening to thrash greats is pretty much false.