Albums currently kicking your ass

International SLAYER day is here~! I won't say no to another excuse to blast these classics.



God will punish you
God will torture you
God will silence you
God will destroy you

Immolation is one of the greatest death metal bands, period.
What should I listen to by Amebix? I tried them like two or three times and always thought they were pretty much crappy. All the cool guys say they rule though.
What should I listen to by Amebix? I tried them like two or three times and always thought they were pretty much crappy. All the cool guys say they rule though.

What did you try before? If you've tried a few times and they haven't clicked, then I wouldn't worry about. I love Amebix to death, but I can understand why they're not going to work for everyone. The newest one is alright, but if Arise or Monolith don't work, then I don't know what to recommend.

Hells Headbangers sent me this for free with the lps I bought.
Riffy yet murky black/thrash with annoying loud south american accented vocals. Not a combination of things I really like but it works here. I WANNA BURN IN FUCKKKIN HELL
They usually send you a cd from their clearance bin if you spend over $30. I buy from them a lot because I get my stuff really quick (only live a state away) and the Ammit cd is the first freebie I've ever remotely liked. I have that Crucified Mortals cd laying around somewhere too.
Yea, I ordered about 50 dollars worth of patches and one LP and that CD fell out of the package when I opened it. I played about three songs from it before I had enough.

Pretty decent distro/label though. They have an amazing selection of shirts right now actually.