Albums currently kicking your ass



What did you try before? If you've tried a few times and they haven't clicked, then I wouldn't worry about. I love Amebix to death, but I can understand why they're not going to work for everyone. The newest one is alright, but if Arise or Monolith don't work, then I don't know what to recommend.

I'd also add in the No Sanctuary EP.

I try to not download anything any more... but I've got this one on the way and I couldnt wait any longer.
Carach Angren is very quickly becoming the best symphonic black metal band there is. Very theatrical, symphonic.... twisted and maddening and keeps that great black metal foundation. I've never heard anything like these guys. It seriously reminds me of some nightmare of King Diamond creating black metal.
As I said in another thread. I've recently been listening to Old Mans Child - In Defiance of Existence alot. I know that alot of people don't like them and that some just hate Nick Barker for some reason. I'm not that into Melo-black or Symphonic Black Metal but I just can't keep my self from admiring him.

(I know, really crappy cover :rofl:)

I've had this since its release and I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've listened to it. It's pretty solid. The only Drudkh I actually have is this on cd and The Swan Road on vinyl. I should change that.
As I said in another thread. I've recently been listening to Old Mans Child - In Defiance of Existence alot. I know that alot of people don't like them and that some just hate Nick Barker for some reason. I'm not that into Melo-black or Symphonic Black Metal but I just can't keep my self from admiring him.

(I know, really crappy cover :rofl:)

Yeah I used to spin this one a lot. Has been quite some time. Might pick it back up.

I've had this since its release and I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've listened to it. It's pretty solid. The only Drudkh I actually have is this on cd and The Swan Road on vinyl. I should change that.

The only album of theirs I didn't like was Handful of Stars. Every other album has been great. I would get Forgotten Legends, Autumn Aurora, and Microcosmos next. Listen to them on youtube or something first, their sound hasn't changed much in my opinion but a lot of people who like the new stuff don't like the first couple of albums.

Phanthom Antichrist - Much better than I expected, Great Album. And this looks better than the other cover art imo.


De Vermis Mysterii - Really good surprise, didn't care much for the last couple album. This one sounds damn good to me. Love the guitar tone and solos. Great production, everything here sounds tight as fuck.

I've had this since its release and I'm pretty sure it's the first time I've listened to it. It's pretty solid. The only Drudkh I actually have is this on cd and The Swan Road on vinyl. I should change that.

This album is terrible. The absolute nadir of creativity. You can't really see it til you hear their other albums, but this album completely panders to their fans by replicating the sounds of older albums without a fraction of the creativity or inspiration.

Actually, you have two of the weakest Drudkh albums. Get Autumn Aurora and Blood in Our Wells.