Albums currently kicking your ass


Epitomy of punk/hardcore.
Funny, fans of Blind Guardian and Helloween are exactly the people I would recommend Defender to. The album is written and played by von Segebaden of Dawn, and was released on Necropolis, which might give a hint that it's not your average Euro power metal.

Seems pretty straight forward, I like it enough to buy it. I hope my local store has it, but it looks like something I'll have to get online. Speaking of Dawn (probably my favorite band) what the hell happened to them? Metal archives lists them as active but I haven't heard anything for a long time.
You, my dear friend, have great taste. Those two albums are among the best Sweden has to offer in terms of PM.

I wish I could get into the second Lost Horizon album as much as Awakening the World but it's just not happening. Most people seem to like them equally much, so there has to be something I'm missing.
New Kreator is good? Seriously? On first listen I thought it was standard fare melodeath with a thrashy edge to it; definitely nothing special. Havent given it another spin.


Awesome crunchy thrash riffs and great arrangements, this album kicks my ass every time I hear it.
^ One of my all time favorites.


Somehow I overlooked this band until recently. The way they were originally described to be I imaged them as another Melechesh, but they are refreshingly different and excellent songwriters.