Albums currently kicking your ass

They don't, though. Gene is a very skilled drummer and able to make far more tasteful and musical drumming than they could just programming into a machine. If you've ever seen his DVD, the amount of little things he does to add taste (He's huge on the word "taste" in his drumming) to even blast beats; for example not only hitting in the center of the snare to toy with the amount of ring, or accenting certain hits on the ride cymbal.

I'm not saying he didn't play mechanically, I mean that's FF's style, but Gene adds a lot more than a drum machine can do. As for the other two bands, well... they're industrial-tinged. Duh. That's what they do. It's like saying no one complains about an electronica band using synths. That's kinda the genre.

I was not a FF fan and Mechanize kicks my ass every fucking time. One of my top 5 from 2010. TI is ok, but not on the same level.
Gaza - He is Never Coming Back

I'm gonna start pimping this at least once a week for a while. I shit you guys not, it's in my top ten albums of all fucking time.
I was not a FF fan and Mechanize kicks my ass every fucking time. One of my top 5 from 2010. TI is ok, but not on the same level.

And I'd honestly say a significant reason is Gene's presence. He makes a big difference on any album he's on. Fuck, look at Dethklok.
Gaza - He is Never Coming Back

I'm gonna start pimping this at least once a week for a while. I shit you guys not, it's in my top ten albums of all fucking time.

As somebody who converted to metal from the whole Chariot/Norma Jean/Botch/Dillinger scene, you have opened my eyes to this weird connection between what feels like a past life and my newer outlook on music.
Regarding FF;

Mechanize was really awesome. Gene's drumming was inhuman, but it sounds nothing like a drum machine - yes, it's mechanical in nature, but there is Gene's flair definitely present in the music - he is truly one of metal's greatest.

New FF album - having a hard time getting into it. Need to give it a few more spins, but I really think they should have gone with a proper drummer - I read that they went with the drum machine to cut down on the costs of hiring a drummer - this was a mistake in my opinion.
^Agree with everything. New album was good, but nothing stood out on it. It was missing the good old fear factory charisma.

Damn to hell, that was the time...
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Fucking wonderful album. I wish I understood the clean vocals... or even the album title for that matter. Would anyone happen to know what it means? (and also, typing it into google translate doesnt really work. I tried that far)

Fucking wonderful album. I wish I understood the clean vocals... or even the album title for that matter. Would anyone happen to know what it means? (and also, typing it into google translate doesnt really work. I tried that far)

the google translate actually gets it pretty close from what I can tell, it's basically Bitter is to serve the death, not sure exactly how the word order translates, it might be Bitter is the death to serve, that's the literal direct translation. German grammar is weird, so I'm not sure which they mean.