Albums currently kicking your ass

Everything Atheist has ever done is fucking killer!


Its here, its the best thing Ive heard in a long time...

Psycroptic are really overrated to be honest. Their sound doesn't have enough punch to it, and I don't understand how Chalky is a good vocalist. Versatile, yes, but he goes on and on through all of their songs. Modern Technical Death Metal is pussified. Gorguts, Suffocation, Cryptopsy, and Decapitated have the technicality AND the brutality.
Damn, how the fuck did i not remember to include The Scepter of the Ancients in my "40 ssential death metal albums" list? That albums is a fuicking technical death metal masterpiece.

On Psycroptic being overrated:lol:

Just because you aren't a fan of them dosnt make them overrated, because thats one thing they definitely aren't ... they are currently one of the top technical death metal bands around. I'm a huge fan of the older technically inclined death metal, some of my favorite death metal bands are Gorguts, Atheist(which im guessing also dosnt pack enough punch for you eh?), Suffocation, Cryptosy etc. But im also a big fan of Obscura, Spawn of Possession, Gorod, Psycroptic, Neuraxis, Origin, Odious Mortem, The Faceless and such .. and a lot of those bands are just as heavy, brutal and crushing as some of the oldr stuff.

Most of the bands i mentioned perfected the blending of the best aspects of Necrophagist's "weedily weedily tech-death" with the sound of the older original death metal bands... and i love it.


I actually think Pepp is a better vocalist than Chalky.
Psycroptic are really overrated to be honest. Their sound doesn't have enough punch to it, and I don't understand how Chalky is a good vocalist. Versatile, yes, but he goes on and on through all of their songs. Modern Technical Death Metal is pussified. Gorguts, Suffocation, Cryptopsy, and Decapitated have the technicality AND the brutality.

That isn't in their modern sound at all. And their modern sound suffers horribly for it. Chalky along with the riffs offered up on The Scepter gave us something that is insanely rare within the tech death album with a very unique flair and personality all of its own. It was fucking epic.