Albums currently kicking your ass

Eïs - Wetterkreuz

When I first heard that I wasnt too impressed...Maybe I should give it another go...I preferred their EP Horseback Battle Hammer, now that shit was fucking HEAVY. Nearly blew out my speakers lol

Blind bought this and I'm impressed. Hard rock infused heavy metal. Really love sword of the ocean, a galloping stallion of heavy fucking metal:
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GM is one of those bands that for every ripping track they put out, they have about 3-4 snoozers to go along with it.

This. I was not impressed with GM's last offering, seemed like they ditched any level of creativity for a bland and repetitive rock approach, ala Nickelback. "When the Oar Strikes the Water" suggests what the band can do when they try.

I'll check out The Hunt, hope it's a revival.