Albums currently kicking your ass

I liked Orgy of Murder, but IMO Masticate to Dominate is the pinnacle of "brutal death". Didn't originate it, but if I have to show one album as what BDM is, I pick that one.
I liked Orgy of Murder, but IMO Masticate to Dominate is the pinnacle of "brutal death". Didn't originate it, but if I have to show one album as what BDM is, I pick that one.

I agree. Tracks like Concubine of Despise, Repulsive Cuntortion, Corpsefiend are some of my fav BDM songs ever.
Moonflares-Circle Of Ourobous/Drowning The Light...Stuck on the CoO tracks...fucking hell I love their fucked up depressing/suicidal bm take on Joy Division,it's that wrong that it's just awesome,one of those bands people either seem to love or hate.