Albums currently kicking your ass


Never knew about these guys until yesterday...Damn shame because this shit is some fucking killer grindcore.
I cant even listen to Iced Earth when Barlow isnt the vocalist.


I really hate the album art for this one. Great stuff though.
"Did Iced Earth ever release anything worth listen to at all?" Nope.

Iced Earth has about as much to do with truly great heavy metal as a whore does to true romance.
first listen and this is pretty good thus far


on another note, the new Behexen is ass. i am disappoint

One of my most treasured CDs in my collection. The harsh vocals can be quite irritating, but everything else is fantastic. I recommended it to those who enjoy that synth-oriented style of black metal, most prevalent in mid-90s Norway.
Don't care, this album is awesome. I'm gonna be crushing this in the car for a while to come.


The Acacia Strain - Death is the Only Mortal
Discovered this while browsing through some stuff on Hellthrasher Productions. It's pretty awesome.

Flagellated Seraph - Beyond Salvation


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