Albums currently kicking your ass

I feel like I disagree with you about everything black metal related.

Haha, I'm not entirely surprised because I'm really kind of picky with my black metal. Don't get me wrong, I love Vikingligr Veldi, Frost, and Eld but just not into what they did after that.

West Wall, Conquest or Death Re mastered. Pure war metal that kinda sounds like Bolt Thrower/Amon Amarth \m/

Never listened to this album in full but I really enjoy it. Not the same as the REAL Atheist, but better than most bands out there...


Don't know why I never listened to it.. Maybe it was because of the terrible reviews, can't remember :Smokin:
The Tony Danza Tapdance Extravaganza - Danza IIII

They released their opus, and now retire satisfied. This is one FUCK of an album, kids.

Heavy. Heavy. Fucking heavy. One of the heaviest things I've heard since dopethrone.

I don't know why, but for some reason I love bands that use vocals mixed down with a little reverb. Like the vocalist is trying to reach you but is a little too far away.

EDIT: also this album kinda reminds me of Burning Witch in the best possible way.
That album got me in a sludgy mood:

Blessing the Hogs - The Twelve Gauge Solution

The Melvins - A Senile Animal

Kowloon Walled City - Gambling on the Richter Scale
Very rarely do I post more than one album at a time, but this is an exception...


Awesome new grindcore suprise. Just the other day I was thinking about how I havnt heard too much new grind, then this floats to me...Sick.


Needs no introduction. Fucking love these guys.
If one were to cut out at least 20 minutes of crappy dialogue and general pretentiousness it would. Definitely some great songs.