Albums currently kicking your ass

(Echo) - Devoid Of Illusions

Really digging this one... can't remember where i found em. The cover looks like Greg House, but really digging this disc.


Sinister - The Carnage Ending


Aquilus - Griseus

I agree, everything max has done after Sepultura has completely sucked.

He's sorta like Chris Barnes, ain't he? Iconic when he was with the band, then split and suddenly everyone's going "Okay dude, maybe it's time to just hang it up."

I remember being extra disappointed in Nailbomb.

Elite - Bifrost


Mgła - With Hearts Towards None


I saw McCartney last night and he was spectacular. Fight me.
SILENCER - Death Pierce Me

Its actually a guilty pleasure because I wouldnt ever listen to this album around any of my non-metal friends and even some of my more traditional metal friends.

I quite like this album though
SILENCER - Death Pierce Me

Its actually a guilty pleasure because I wouldnt ever listen to this album around any of my non-metal friends and even some of my more traditional metal friends.

I quite like this album though

There will come a day when your friends will come upon your dead body in your bathroom, and they will wish that you were more open with them.