Albums currently kicking your ass

I sometimes forget how good this is -

If there were deathcore worth listening to I would gladly listen to it.

I'm just saying you're full of shit.

Hurr durr cerebral bore is worse that 60-70% of deathcore which obviously means I've listened to even more than 60-70% of all deathcore. Next you'll say compare something to nu metal when it obviously isn't. I'm not defending the genres at all but people that talk like this about metal are talking from their ass and let the diarrhea flow.
I'm just saying you're full of shit.

Hurr durr cerebral bore is worse that 60-70% of deathcore which obviously means I've listened to even more than 60-70% of all deathcore. Next you'll say compare something to nu metal when it obviously isn't. I'm not defending the genres at all but people that talk like this about metal are talking from their ass and let the diarrhea flow.

Well ill try to clear my views up for you. One, I have actually listened to tons of deathcore music, I troll scene kids quite often and knowing some shit about the music they listen to is needed for sophisticated trolling. Two, out of all of the straight deathcore bands I've listened to (as in not mostly death metal, not progressive/technical) they all sound the same to me. 3 I don't listen to nu metal, never have had any interest in it whatsoever, therefore the only time I would use it in an argument or as a comparison is if whatever we're comparing is completely not worth listening to and I could care less about it.

You're right about one thing, I am indeed full of shit. Don't take me seriously all the time, because I have a hard time being completely serious.
Man I can't get over how much this album fucking rules. Awesome heavy as fuck riffs, killer solos with a pissed off vocalist that sounds like he lost all hope and doesn't give a fuck.


this classic has also been kicking my ass lately.
Just what I needed on this night. Hung out with some fellow grad students, one that I am sexually and intellectually attracted too, and didn't get an answer back from her when I ask what she (and the other friend in the car) was doing tomorrow. I suppose I can ask again tomorrow, but yeah, if shit gets real, she's ain't stayin' on a Saturday night.


I' e always loved prog rock. Tried this one because of the bizarre cover and it's actually pretty damn good. Great vocals and kind of reminds me of Camel.