Albums currently kicking your ass

The Gallery was actually the first metal album I ever bought. I really liked it back then, especially "Punish My Heaven", "Edenspring", "The Dividing Line" and "Midway Through Infinity". The album cover evokes strong nostalgia, but I haven't listened to it years and years because I'm scared I'll find it sacharrine and unappealing these days. I'd rather keep my nostalgic thoughts. I enjoy their debut and some of their demo work which I'll listen to on the rare occasion.
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In the end my feelings are it was decent, especially for $4 but I doubt it will get repeat listens from me.

With bands like this I always seem to feel that the great music is ruined by vocals that don't quite fit. That's always been my major problem with melodic death/black metal. It's like slapping "extreme" vocalists over Judas Priest, why bother?
Well you have gone a bit backwards, that stuff is generally seen as a gateway into extreme metal. They incorporate the harsh vocals, some blasting and some more aggressive riff work, but it's not as oppressive or violent as most death metal. Obviously you're already used to all that stuff. I never really got into all the other "melodeath" like In Flames, Soilwork, Slaughter of the Soul era At the Gates, etc.

Since you listened to that I think you should revisit Sacramentum's Far Away from the Sun and post your thoughts on it. It's far superior to nearly everything else that came out of Gothenburg imo. The melodies are far more unique rather than aping Iron Maiden and the drumming fucking rules. Also since it's far more rooted in black metal I think the harsh vocals are fitting.
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You have a good point, you're probably right on the backwards thing. I'll definitely try out Sacramentum again, I think I still have the CD lying around my house somewhere.

Of the two, melodic black metal is probably the more palatable for me anyway.
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