Albums currently kicking your ass

A Blaze... was my favorite for the longest time though these days Funeral Moon holds the top spot. Blaze is still amazing though. "The Pagan Winter" is one of their finest compositions.


Fleshpress - Tearing Skyholes
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Darkthrone. Always liked this album but it didn't hit me till now exactly how fucking amazing it is.
I have no idea why but there's that one riff in Paragon Belial right around 1:15 and every time I hear it I always imagine the dude on the cover fucking ice skating to it in the middle of the fucking forest making that facial expression.
Nope. A Blaze... rules supreme. The 3 follow ups are all great, but not quite on the same level. It's an incredibly daring record, especially considering Darkthrone's origins. They did a complete 180 and released one of the most vile and disgusting albums ever at a time when somewhat technical, polished death metal was becoming all the rage. Of course Darkthrone didn't give a shit about what anyone, including their record label would think. Sums up their attitude perfectly.

Kathaarian Life Code, In the Shadow of the Horns and Paraon Belial are genre highlights. It also features Culto's best vocal performance, absolutely putrid and reeking of hatred and death.

it's more of a transitional album than the next two though, they were still in the process of distinguishing themselves from their influences. UAFM is more unique and otherworldly, more focused. i think they increasingly came into their own over the first four, peaking in that respect with TH, but TH is just a little too minimalistic for my tastes and i'd take both its predecessors over it.

One of those albums where I think I've stopped enjoying it until I remember I have to get past the first couple tracks. Fogwalking is such a cool fucking song.
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