Albums currently kicking your ass

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For my money this is one of the best Impetigo imitations there is. I DARE SAY they even approach Impetigo on a few of these tracks. Dont let this stupid ass album art fool you, vicious death/grind/gore stuff.
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I like Impetigo much more because they're more diverse and Lord Gore are much more monotonous (not intended as an insult though) but are they the best Impetigo imitators? Fucking probably yeah, Gruesome Stuff Relish are up there too.
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I really need some more GSR releases. I only have Teenage Giallo Grind.

It's all fucking mouldy gold but personally I'd recommend the next thing you spend cash on is the Last Men in Gore compilation. It's all material recorded around the time of the debut full length and released together the year after it.
Two new albums that I purchased recently and am enjoying currently are:

Kobra and the Lotus: Self Titiled - I love this female fronted band! They're from my country here in Canada and I love their traditional/power metal style.

Yuri Fulone: In the Steel You Can Trust - Once again this is great straight up tradtional/power metal that reminds kind of like Manowar meets Iron Maiden meets Judas Priest, which is straight up my alley. Check this one out if you enjoy that style of metal.
Two new albums that I purchased recently and am enjoying currently are:

Kobra and the Lotus: Self Titiled - I love this female fronted band! They're from my country here in Canada and I love their traditional/power metal style.

Yuri Fulone: In the Steel You Can Trust - Once again this is great straight up tradtional/power metal that reminds kind of like Manowar meets Iron Maiden meets Judas Priest, which is straight up my alley. Check this one out if you enjoy that style of metal.

post the album covers you lazy Canadian!
Alice strikes again, boa constrictor, black makeup, long hair, leather jacket, loud guitars, rock and roll, spooky themes, gruesome lyrics, and all. Remember the Coop, baby!
