Albums currently kicking your ass

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Triviums The Sin and The Sentence and Visigoths Conquerors Oath, and listening to a lot of Satan and of course Iced Earth
Mephisto's S/T might have been my favorite first-listen experience of any album. I got into them before I had even listened to their likely influences (e.g. Angel Witch) or better bands like Adramelch, but that was my first time hearing an album with such an obscure, fantastical quality and it totally blew me away. Didn't quite hold up with repeated listens but still a sentimental fave, and the title track is still a perfect 10/10 song.

EDIT: Actually my first listen to Energetic Disassembly is a close competitor, but yeah.
Ya'll gonna laugh at me but I finally got around to listening to Bolt Thrower despite having seen so many of you post them in the past. I'd always assumed they were just another dull DM band I wouldn't enjoy, but damn if I do! In ways they feel more like a slowed down Thrash band than typical DM. I really like the guitar tone/production, too, neither too polished nor lo-fi. So far 'Those Once Loyal' and...
