Albums currently kicking your ass

to think i gave it 2 on RYM when i first heard it haha. it's probably my favourite album now.

Heh, I had a bit of an idea what I was in for when I first heard it, so I wouldn't have dismissed it right away even if I didn't really enjoy it the first or second time. But I will certainly be looking into it more in the near future.

Zemial is awesome despite the fact that I haven't listened to them nearly as much as I should. I will probably do something about that today.
I was actually a bit dissapointed with The Final Assault when it was released. Maybe I should give it another listen. The ep has a much more raw aggressive sound that I wish they had on the full length.
I was actually a bit dissapointed with The Final Assault when it was released. Maybe I should give it another listen. The ep has a much more raw aggressive sound that I wish they had on the full length.

I completely agree. A more raw/aggressive sound would have been nice but I still find it plenty enjoyable as is. The last time I heard it I remember thinking even though V5 isn't much of a speed/thrash fan he would really like the album because of the sound.



I can now feel every vein and artery in my head pulsating individually as a result of the headbanging that ensued.
I only have one Judas Iscariot. Can't wait to get some money and go on another binge. JI is on the list. How is that one? I only have "Distant In Solitary Night". Really good.

It's been years since I've actually listened to this the entire way through. Their recent output is shamefully bad in comparison. They had something really fucking good going with their first few albums.

they were amazing back then, like glimmering spectres singing mournfully from beyond the muddy darkness. one of those completely transporting out-of-time otherworldly bands i never get sick of.