Albums currently kicking your ass

I have only heard that album once and I wan‘t impressed at all. I will sure give it another chance as I am strongly biased towards czech bands.
yes!!!! glad to see some CC recognition, I oddly found two of their cd's in my closet, apparently I bought them aeons ago because I don't remember

You dont have Barbaric is the Beast, by chance? If so, sell it to me. :D

I'm fine with the throwback bands if their standards are high. Disma, I'm going to buy their full length, Vasaleth, not so much.
Just checked out the Morbider album. It's been ages since I've listened to any old school death metal. I am really liking this. Reminds me of why I once loved that stuff so much.

Anyone that enjoys Cannibal Corpse needs to check this one out. Much better than the goofy album art implies.
I like a lot of Let the Devil In, but some songs just sound too similar to other songs on the album for my liking, I usually end up skipping tracks.