I love TEF(and Thergothon), "Useless" is one of the best songs I've ever heard, also "Snowblind" and "Rebuilt Passage" are brilliant aswell. Nice one for mentioning them, you can hear The Cure's "Disintegration" all over their songs....the album "Faith" by the Cure also sounds a bit like TEF, try this :
If you like This Empty Flow then The Frozen Autumn is another good band to check out:
I know all this probably doesn't sound a great deal like Discouraged Ones but then again, what does? Maybe you should just root through the "depressive music" thread here, there's plenty of good stuff to be found in there
Yes, i know they sound alot like The Cure, only better and much more depressive, ehhe.
And The Frozen Autumn?? I thought nobody knew them but me! ehheh
They're great.