Albums of the Year: 2006

Why? They're good albums, but nowhere near as good as they should be. That's my point - if that's the best the year has to offer, it wasn't a very good year.

Those albums are all at the top of their game. The Negura Bunget and Drudkh are perhaps the best releases of the respective bands, Monotheist is an amazing and unique new step into the world for such a classic old band, and Agalloch is remarkable as always. I think this year obliterates 05, except for the fact that I haven't heard a doom release to compare with Mournful Congregation (for a while I thought Saturnus could do it, but not in the long run).

While not quite to the standard of 04, 06 is still one of the best years of the 00's.
Have you hear the new Asunder? Everytime I listen to it I like it more and more; it's completely different than Mournful Congregation, but it's fantastic great doom!
'05 kicked the shit out of '06 for releases: Stargazer, Mournful Congregation, Primordial, Slough Feg, Nachtfalke, Averse Sefira, Witchcraft, Jesu, Kreator, Nevermore, Candlemass etc. It's hardly even comparable.
they weren't each bands best releases respectively, but neither album sucked - they were both enjoyable and are infinitely better than the return albums of this year - i.e. celtic frost and sodom.
Except for the fact that the vocals on Sodom's s/t are weak as fuck, and Celtic Frost is next to unlistenably boring, I totally agree. In any case, how is that an argument against Kreator or Nevermore not being better?
This Godless Endeavor, Enemy Of God, and Sodom all sucked. Monotheist is the true rebirth of a legend.