albums that give you a headache

Yup, I've never heard as distorted an album in my life! Kronos' The Hellenic Terror comes in a close second, but at least that one is listenable! And I gotta say, the newest Abigail Williams is fucking loud as hell, though to the credit of the ME (James?) I don't hear any clipping - still, it might just be that I constantly have to turn down the volume when switching from another album, but it can get pretty fatiguing...
yeh man that annoys me as well, like if im listeing to my itunes on random in headphone, obviously there are some volume differences in albums, but sometimes they are soo drastic its crazy
Yup, I've never heard as distorted an album in my life! Kronos' The Hellenic Terror comes in a close second, but at least that one is listenable! And I gotta say, the newest Abigail Williams is fucking loud as hell, though to the credit of the ME (James?) I don't hear any clipping - still, it might just be that I constantly have to turn down the volume when switching from another album, but it can get pretty fatiguing...
yes i mastered it, no there is no obvious clipping. i made it as loud as my clients wanted it, and not a bit more.. in fact probably a bit less. i've already laid out all my feelings about the subject of mastering levels in the previous thread that was pretty much similar to this one, but didn't name specific albums... it's not that old even. to summarize though, it's not my mission to change how loud albums are expected to be.... though i'd prefer them, across the board, to be less loud (or more to the point, less limited and compressed). the only thing i can accomplish by going on such a vendetta is to reduce how often i'm employed. Rather i make my masters as loud as the clients want them, and make sure there is no obvious clipping and that it's listenable... so i disagree with you there; the new AW is very easy to listen to all the way through... check Machine Head's "The Blackening" for one that isn't...

And if you are complaining about having to reach for the volume control, then you don't really want more dynamic mastering at all do you? because that's excactly what you'll have to be doing a LOT of in every situation except for listeing in front of hi-end hi-fidelity speakers, optimally placed in a room with a quiet and excellent acoustic space with an expensive hi-fi system, should mastering return ubiquitously to more a dynamic standard. i'm all for this, but i can afford a nice hi-fi.... and i think most people could get a decent set up for this as well.... nobody really wants to though.

But young AE's on recording forums certainly seem to want to come off like they are the ones that are "championing" less loud masters, like it was their idea or something. tired of all the bitching, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT... write to labels... send them petitions... change THEIR minds, because that's the only thing that will ever work. Soo tired of the armchair lectures about levels... get in the game before you try to captain a team... you'll find yourself doing exactly as i do, accommodating your clients. Besides.. how dynamic is modern metal really meant to be?? it's come of age after the "loudness wars", so ....?
I always found "Far Beyond Driven" by Pantera to be particularly migrane inducing.


"Broken Glass" by Crowbar is pretty caustic.

It's generally the grating sludgy shiZZle that gets the Syndol out. :)
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yes i mastered it, no there is no obvious clipping. i made it as loud as my clients wanted it, and not a bit more.. in fact probably a bit less. i've already laid out all my feelings about the subject of mastering levels in the previous thread that was pretty much similar to this one, but didn't name specific albums... it's not that old even. to summarize though, it's not my mission to change how loud albums are expected to be.... though i'd prefer them, across the board, to be less loud (or more to the point, less limited and compressed). the only thing i can accomplish by going on such a vendetta is to reduce how often i'm employed. Rather i make my masters as loud as the clients want them, and make sure there is no obvious clipping and that it's listenable... so i disagree with you there; the new AW is very easy to listen to all the way through... check Machine Head's "The Blackening" for one that isn't...

And if you are complaining about having to reach for the volume control, then you don't really want more dynamic mastering at all do you? because that's excactly what you'll have to be doing a LOT of in every situation except for listeing in front of hi-end hi-fidelity speakers, optimally placed in a room with a quiet and excellent acoustic space with an expensive hi-fi system, should mastering return ubiquitously to more a dynamic standard. i'm all for this, but i can afford a nice hi-fi.... and i think most people could get a decent set up for this as well.... nobody really wants to though.

But young AE's on recording forums certainly seem to want to come off like they are the ones that are "championing" less loud masters, like it was their idea or something. tired of all the bitching, DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT... write to labels... send them petitions... change THEIR minds, because that's the only thing that will ever work. Soo tired of the armchair lectures about levels... get in the game before you try to captain a team... you'll find yourself doing exactly as i do, accommodating your clients. Besides.. how dynamic is modern metal really meant to be?? it's come of age after the "loudness wars", so ....?

Oy, here we go again...I wasn't making any massive complaints about it, or citing it as an example for my lecture on the loudness war, or being a young AE armchair quarterbacking the pros; rather, I was simply making an observation about and a slight gripe over it's volume relative to most other albums in my collection, nothing more!
well i made it quieter than all the reference albums i was told to go by... the primary of which was Dimmu's Puritanical. doesn't sound to me like you have a very big or current collection. it's far from the loudest in mine.
the first In This Moment CD...

also they weren't really a very good metal band on the debut.... but they are an excellent rock band on the follow-up. give me good rock over shit metal any day.

Spot on, on both counts.

Pig Destroyer's albums are all pretty harsh sounding - when you struggle to listen to the whole of a 28 minute CD, you know something's not right. Not sure how much of it is an effect of not having a bass in there though.

almost anything released in the last 7-8 years, really

shit with no dynamics not only makes my face hurt, but loses my interest really quickly as well